

一名互联网设计师,对新奇事物相当感兴趣,也喜欢记录一些什么。 目前的计划是写一个月刊,内容会包括我发现的一些有意思的事物,欢迎订阅💡

[Guanglin's Weekly Diary] #006: First Experience of an Earthquake


["Listen and Watch" - Like a Rock (feat. Tim Be Told)

Like a Rock (feat. Tim Be Told)
Like a Rock (feat. Tim Be Told)
Ouyang Jing

A song by rapper Ouyang Jing, with a catchy chorus.


  1. Beijing Heavy Rain Related

On Monday, it was estimated to be the day with the most rainfall in Beijing this year, so the company notified us on Sunday that we could work from home. However, because it was sudden, I forgot to back up my files last week, so I went to the office in the rain at nine o'clock in the morning to copy the files. When I got home, it wasn't as free as I expected. Instead, work was unusually difficult. I didn't even have lunch, and it was already after 8:30 in the evening when it was time for dinner. This year, I felt frustrated with work for the first time. My tone was a bit harsh when communicating with colleagues from the demand side on the phone, but fortunately, I quickly adjusted my state, and my colleagues were also people who prioritize problem-solving, so the issues were quickly resolved. Afterwards, I reflected that I should keep calm and resilient. Hard work is the norm for work, and I also think I did well at that time. 🫤

On Wednesday, when I went to the office, the security guard ran past me excitedly, looking at his phone and saying to another security guard, "No rain today!" Thinking about the recent floods in Beijing and Hebei, this is really something to be happy about~


  1. Sudden 5.5 Magnitude Earthquake in Dezhou, Shandong

Last night, while lying in bed playing games before going to sleep, I suddenly felt a regular shaking. I thought my cat had jumped on the bed and was playing around, but I also felt a sense of panic. I thought maybe I stayed up too late recently. It lasted for about ten seconds. I didn't expect that as a person from Shandong, I would experience a perceptible earthquake for the first time, even though I was in Beijing, more than 300 kilometers away. However, the last memorable one was in 2008. At that time, I was watching TV at home during primary school lunch break and only heard distant rumbling. I didn't know what was happening until I watched the news in the evening and learned about the unforgettable and tragic Wenchuan earthquake.

  1. Cat Time

Just took a random photo. The happiest moment when I come home every day is when my cat, Waiwai, and 20 hear my footsteps and rush over to see me. They are so cute.


banner02-Articles with Harvest

How to Find High-Quality Sources: It's Not About Noise Reduction, It's About Selection#

Just walking into a McDonald's, ordering one or two items, and your calorie intake for the day will skyrocket.

The same goes for sources of information. With the ease of accessing information today, it's easy to get overwhelmed.

Some people can read Wikipedia like a novel, while others can find important information in it. The key lies in internal judgment, not others' opinions. A highly rated book may not be a classic, and someone with many fans may not necessarily be right.

Why choose high-quality sources? What are the criteria for judging high-quality sources? When we are constantly bombarded with information from various media platforms every day, as individuals, we are gradually losing our agency over information. It's not that current affairs news and high-quality information as perceived by platforms are not good enough, but rather, there is just too much of it. As independent individuals, we need to take control of our time and the information we consume. The process of seeking knowledge is a process of self-realization, as Hu Shi said, "Perhaps a simple belief is needed in one's worldview, that is, the ability to say 'why do it this way'."

The Answer to Solving All Emotional Problems#

The key lies in the mechanism of emotions, which is essentially a "self-reinforcing" cycle.

Worry, anxiety, annoyance, anger... What are these? Are they "emotions"? Actually, they are just "feelings". They are alerts sent by the brain when it detects possible threats in the environment.

If you get caught up in these feelings and let them affect you, it's like confirming that the alert is correct and real. As a result, the brain enters "scanning mode" to further scan the details of the threat and try to find ways to cope with or avoid it.

Furthermore, the brain has a characteristic: the more times information is repeated, the more the brain tends to believe it and give it more weight.

Some friends around me find it difficult to read articles about emotions and find them too abstract, but I still want to recommend them in my weekly journal. Once you open your mind, you can see things that you couldn't see before. There is no better or worse method for dealing with emotions. Ignoring them directly may be more convenient and faster than patiently observing them, but as someone who is more sensitive, I find it difficult to ignore these internal fluctuations.

Adulting Fast and Slow#

We live in a society where children are mature like adults, and adults are childish like children.

Although children's behavior is like that of adults, adults' behavior is also like that of children. With the rise of videos, the transition from childhood to adulthood has disappeared. Literacy has lost its meaning in maturity because children now know the secrets that were once reserved for adults. Neil Postman wrote, "Look around and you will see that the behavior, language, attitudes, desires—even appearance—of adults and children are becoming increasingly indistinguishable."

However, at a deeper level, I believe this meme comes from the view that adulthood is a hopeless endeavor. It represents a mindset that encourages people to retreat into nihilism, a bubble-wrapped cocoon of deferred responsibility.

The author provides a description and concern about the current situation and transformation happening around us. This shift is happening in real life, where children are being taught to do things that adults used to do at a certain age, such as learning knowledge, attending hobby classes, and taking certification exams. Meanwhile, young people on the internet are still using the language system of their childhood and carrying the pressures and responsibilities of adults. No one can make a final judgment on whether this is purely good or bad. As the article concludes, I hope we all have the freedom to learn, work, and face meaningful challenges.

DocHub - High-Quality Online Document Library#


Users can freely upload high-quality documents they consider valuable, sourced from Tencent Documents, Feishu Documents, and Notion Documents, creating an online knowledge library. From the website descriptions, the documents cover a wide range of fields, making it an additional source for information search when needed.

Wikipedia - Real-Time View of LK-99 Room Temperature Superconductor Verification Progress#


The hottest topic this week is LK-99, whether in the professional field or outside of it. There is great anticipation for the future of achieving room temperature superconductivity. If you don't want your timeline to be disrupted by media push notifications (like the paper being taken down), you can follow the verification progress of various parties on Wikipedia, as it is being edited in real-time.

Bookshelf - Digital Ancient Book Library#


A website showcasing high-definition ancient books, focusing on art, images, rare books, and some well-printed books. The collection spans from the Song Dynasty to modern times. It may not be comprehensive, but the display quality is excellent, and downloads are available.

Notepal - Synchronize Reading Notes#


This plugin allows you to synchronize your notes from WeChat Reading to platforms such as Readwise, Notion, Flomo, Obsidian, and Logseq. I tried synchronizing to Flomo, and it's really useful. You can also customize the synchronization template.


I've always been bothered by the limitation of not being able to insert external links in WeChat Official Accounts. Now, you can try to use mini-programs as a workaround. The idea is to insert a mini-program in the official account and set an external link within the mini-program. When reading, you can click twice to open the link.

Moment - Timeline for Commemorative Days#


An app for recording meaningful days. It's good for summarizing important events in a phase of life. You can view the timeline and group events in an intuitive way. However, the app has just been launched, and currently, each timeline only supports uploading one square photo. It's quite restrained, and I don't know if they will update it with more customization options in the future. I commented on the issue of data security, and the author replied that the data is stored locally, and iCloud synchronization will be added later.

Design Good Practices#

This website helps designers establish work habits that promote teamwork and efficiency. Sometimes, it's good to take a look.

That's all. Thank you for reading. If you like it, feel free to subscribe or recommend it to others. You can also find me in these places to discuss thoughts on productivity, work, and life:

Jike: @言广林

Email: [email protected]

Of course, likes and comments are welcome to encourage me.

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